
More From Shoah

Eli Eli - Hannah Szenes Senesh

“Eli Eli” Poem by Hannah Szenes (Chanah Senesh) Vocals by Carli Golbin Nemany Piano by Bruce…
Eli Eli - Hannah Szenes Senesh
Overcrowded and under-resourced, daily privations took a ghastly toll.

Everyday Life in the Ghettos

What was it like for the Jewish people who were forced into ghettos by the Nazis?
Everyday Life in the Ghettos

The North African Holocaust

As Hitler was extending his tentacles into North Africa, the Nazis also committed massive war…
The North African Holocaust
Photograph: Kindertransport

Rescue of Children

During the Holocaust, countless Jewish organizations and individuals worldwide did what they…
Rescue of Children

Gisella Perl

Gisella Perl was born into a Jewish family in Hungary in 1907, and aspired to medical school…
Gisella Perl

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