
More From Traditions

What is a Get?

A get is a divorce under halacha, or Jewish law. The word can also refer to the document that…
What is a Get?


In many Jewish synagogues a minyan is required for public prayer times. A minyan is a group of…

The Shochet-Jewish Tradition

Have you ever wondered what a shochet is? It is known that Torah observant believers keep a…
The Shochet-Jewish Tradition


Bread plays a very important role in Jewish tradition. In the Torah when Holy visitors come to…

The Jewish Calendar

LUNAR-SOLAR CALENDAR The Jewish calendar is based mainly on the phases of the moon; but it also…
The Jewish Calendar

Mekhitza-Jewish Tradition

A mekhitza is a dividing wall or barrier that is used to separate men and women. It could be…
Mekhitza-Jewish Tradition
The Chuppah

The Chuppah

In the Song of Solomon we read “He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me…
The Chuppah


Have you done a mitzvah today? A mitzvah is a good deed, something done to benefit someone else…
True Blue

True Blue

It is very common to associate the color blue with the Jewish people. It is on the flag of…
True Blue

Jewish Guide to Shiva Practices

Shiva is a weeklong mourning period following the burial of an immediate relative in a Jewish…
Jewish Guide to Shiva Practices


The shofar, made from a ram's horn, has been used by our people for thousands of years. The…

Circumcision-Jewish Tradition

Male circumcision is a well known Jewish tradition. Avraham (Abraham) was called by God and…
Circumcision-Jewish Tradition

Western Wall

The Western Wall is the western portion of the retaining wall of the Temple Mount where the…
Western Wall

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