
More From Prose


Three years ago, a friend said something to me that hurt very deeply. I was speechless. I could…

The Kinsmen Cowboys

As I was growing up I’d always heard about the Lower East Side of New York City. I grew up in…
The Kinsmen Cowboys

My Mother's Honor

 awoke late the morning that I write this, perhaps delayed by a vivid dream.
My Mother's Honor

Hidden Blessings

When my family moved we picked a house surrounded by some trees. The trees along one side of…
Hidden Blessings

Quiet Desperation

The writer and great thinker Thoreau wrote “most people lead lives of quiet desperation and go…
Quiet Desperation

The Time I Hated God

That period of time may have lasted about a year or so, but the amount of time isn’t that…
The Time I Hated God

The Golden Retreiver

It was Sabbath and I was going to go on a walk with my mom after eating a wonderful lunch, but…
The Golden Retreiver

What Ever Happened to Judy

Have you sometimes wondered what happened to friends that you grew up with? I have, we all have.
What Ever Happened to Judy

Doug Bachelor

Doug Batchelor might be the richest caveman to have ever lived. His mother was a Jewish actress…
Doug Bachelor

God’s Care

Most of the time I prefer to write humorous, light hearted things. This time I want to write…
God’s Care

Growing up with Mark

As I was growing up I couldn't remember when Mark wasn't a part of my life. We were in…
Growing up with Mark

Except for That

Since I was a child I was always seemed to be the sickest child out of my siblings. I got sick…
Except for That

A Zionist Muslim

It's rare to find a Zionist Muslim, rarer yet to see one speak publicly about his support of…
A Zionist Muslim


I’ve written in a previous article about Reuben Caplin (Ruby), my voice teacher and choral…

My Rabbi's Tie

I was searching for something to give my Rabbi and his wife. I loved them very much so I just…
My Rabbi's Tie

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