

GOD told Samuel the prophet to anoint David to be the next king of Israel.

Sometime after this, king Saul called David to work for him playing musical instruments.

When the Israelites were in battle against the Philistines GOD used David to kill the giant Goliath. After this people began to say that David was 10 times mightier than Saul was. Saul became very jealous of David and hoped that David would die in battle. When this did not work Saul tried many times to kill David himself.

Saul chased David through the hills of Israel for many years, but GOD's hand was over David protecting him. David never retaliated and always showed love and respect toward the king. Twice David had the opportunity to kill Saul, but David refused to kill him even though David's men encouraged him to do so. David responded to them by saying, "How shall I sin against the LORD's anointed.” Even though King Saul had obviously lost his mind David still respected him because GOD was still allowing Saul to be king.

During one of Israel's battles against the Philistines Saul was killed. When David heard about it he mourned terribly for Saul. The tribe of Judah appointed David to be king, but one of Saul's son's did not agree with this. There was war between them for 7 1/2 years until Saul's son was killed. David mourned when he heard of his death. David was then made king over all Israel and reigned 33 years. David moved GOD's sanctuary to Jerusalem. GOD blessed David during this time.

Unfortunately David Committed adultry with a woman named Bathsheba. When Bathsheba became pregnant David had her husband killed. David repented before the Lord for this great sin, and God forgave him, but David lost the respect of many people in his kingdom, including his son Absalom, who revolted against David and tried to take over the kingdom. David fled again to the mountains until Absalom his son was killed. When David found out that Absalom was killed he mourned greatly.

David had a very hard life, many years running as away from his enemies. David made a few large mistakes during his lifetime, but through it all God called him a man after God's own heart, not because David was perfect but because when David realized he had done somthing wrong he was very quick to ask for God's forgiveness and he did all that he could to change the mistakes that he had made. The Hebrew prophets Isaiah and Zechariah prophecised that the Messiah would come through the line of David.

Picture originally found here

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