To Your Health

More From To Your Health

Mental Health Awareness

One of the stigmas society perpetuates is the supposed “shame” of struggling with mental health.
Mental Health Awareness

Fiber, Your Fabulous Friend

Dieting? How would you like to daily enjoy a variety of fresh fruits, plenty of colorful and…
Fiber, Your Fabulous Friend

Concentrated Calories

A study from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) finds that American waistlines are still…
Concentrated Calories

Reducing Chronic Disease

Thirty-five years ago, I had the privilege of attending Loma Linda University School of Health…
Reducing Chronic Disease

The Kidneys Part 1

The kidney is a masterpiece of beauty and function. Often I have held a human kidney in my…
The Kidneys Part 1

9 Things to do With Olive Oil

Olive oil has stood the test of time and is a basic component to the kitchen pantry.
9 Things to do With Olive Oil

Health Benefits of Brown Rice

Rice is considered a staple in the diet of many, and a lot of people prefer white rice to brown…
Health Benefits of Brown Rice

Creating Solid Perfume

Did you know that tons of perfumes contain nasty animal ingredients, such as whale barf…
Creating Solid Perfume


The Facts The human body must have oxygen; each of its 100 trillion cells must receive steady,…

Exercise 2

We were created for action. Exercise provides greater vitality, extra energy, and a longer…
Exercise 2

Massage Therapy

Ancient Western and Eastern civilizations dating back as far as 3000 years discovered that…
Massage Therapy

Help for Acne

During the period of most active growth, the oil glands of the skin go through an extended…
Help for Acne

Fruit Tart

Here's a very healthy breakfast or sweet treat any time of day.
Fruit Tart

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