
More From Gelt

Produce Shopping

It is nice to have some fresh produce in the house. Trading canned or dried foods in for the…
Produce Shopping

Don't be Sorry - Save

For those caught in betrayal, the new trend is for them to appear on television and, as…
Don't be Sorry - Save
Money management found in Scriptures


Are all Jewish people rich? Do all Jewish people manage their finances well?

Bargains!!! Bargains!?!

It's on Sale!!!! So we better stock up on this item as much as we can before this "great" deal…
Bargains!!! Bargains!?!


We sometimes make excuses for our shortcomings and human frailties and this failing can be more…

Easy Gain Easy Loss

If you want financial advice the wise King Solomon once said this, “Money that comes easily…
Easy Gain Easy Loss

The Obese Debtor

Mike Huckabee was one of the Republican contenders for the 2016 presidential race.
The Obese Debtor

Thrifty Lady

Okay ladies how can we save money on stuff? Guys don't have as many options in the clothing…
Thrifty Lady

Buying a House

A house is by far the largest purchase most individuals will ever make in their life, so it…
Buying a House
FQs for Kids

FQs for Kids

When I was a teenager, the educators of my day believed that your IQ, or your Intelligent…
FQs for Kids

Don’t Get Scammed

 It is unbelievable what some thieves are up to. We just have to chuckle at the number of…
Don’t Get Scammed

Don't Be Greedy

“He who is greedy for gain troubles his own house, but he who hates bribes will live” (…
Don't Be Greedy

Don't Let Pleasure Make You Poor

The wise Jewish King Solomon offered some good counsel. “He who loves pleasure will be a poor…
Don't Let Pleasure Make You Poor

Jeff and Barbara

Jeff and Barbara met and fell in love. Both were native New Yorkers.
Jeff and Barbara

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