Dude It's Shabbos

Dude It's Shabbos

Dude it's Shabbos.


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The Chuppah

In the Song of Solomon we read “He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me…
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The Hebrew Scriptures, also known as the Tanak contains 39 books divided into 3 sections. The…
A bride and groom under a chupah, a large covering often used at weddings.

Jewish Wedding

A chupah is a large covering that is often used at weddings to cover the bride and groom.
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The Jewish Calendar

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The word Halakhah comes from the root word halakh which means “to go” and it is the name given…

The Shochet-Jewish Tradition

Have you ever wondered what a shochet is? It is known that Torah observant believers keep a…
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Magen David

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T'fillin, or phylacteries, are square black boxes traditionally worn on the head and arm.


There are several Jewish traditions surrounding the death loved ones. We say the mourner’s…


"Shema Yisrael, Adonai Elohenu, Adonai Echad." These wordsare the first words in every mezuzah.…

Bar Mitzvah

When a young boy reaches the age of thirteen he is termed a bar mitzvah, which literally means…
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Havdallah means “separation” and is a service used to separate the holiness of the Sabbath from…

Mikvah-Jewish Tradition

A mikvah, מקווה, is an immersion pool that is used for ceremonial cleansing.
Mikvah-Jewish Tradition


Have you done a mitzvah today? A mitzvah is a good deed, something done to benefit someone else…

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