Is God's Law My Creed?

Is God's Law My Creed?

In the 1980’s Gerry was selling religious literature door to door.

One day he read a magazine article stating that only about 16% of the youth in the United States know anything at all about the Ten Commandments. Gerry, as an ardent believer, was convinced of three things. First, the Ten Commandments are a statement of God’s law, if obeyed, brings peace and harmony to individuals and nations. Second, every person in the final judgment will be judged according to God’s law, first penned by God’s finger on tables of stone. And third, that he personally must do something to remedy this prevailing ignorance of God’s law. He felt impressed to print attractive posters of Exodus 20:3-17 and sell them along with his literature. He was surprised at the eagerness of people who were so excited to get them that they would sometimes chase him down the street to obtain copies.

Then he felt impressed that other countries had the same ignorance of God’s law and the same need as at home. First to one country, then another, as finances permitted, he took posters printed in the native language to distribute abroad—to date in 20 countries. When he was preparing to print posters in the Russian language he was advised that the Russians would only accept the validity of the Ten Commandments if they were preceded by verse 2 in Exodus 20. “I am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.” He honoured this advice and has printed all posters in every language since that time with verse 2 included. He is convinced that the whole plan of salvation is contained in the Ten Commandments.

His most recent trips were in September 2018 and January 2019 when he and a Spanish-speaking companion, at the invitation of Nicaragua’s president, made a second and third visit to that troubled country to distribute 40,000 posters of the Ten Commandments, and to bring encouragement. They were warmly welcomed by President and Mrs. Daniel Ortega, as well as by the harried police. Those in authority are convinced of the need for obedience to righteous laws to quell strife.

Picture originally found here

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