Are There Simple, Single-Cell Life Forms in the Cambrian Layers?

Are There Simple, Single-Cell Life Forms in the Cambrian Layers?


To answer the question of simple, single-cell life forms in the Cambrian layers, this article will discuss the following propositions: (1) There are no "simple life-forms"; (2) there is no such thing as a "Cambrian" layer; and (3) nearly all types of life are found in all the layers of the earth. (This would be expected from Noah's Flood. See Seminar Part 6.)

There are no "simple life-forms"

Any living organism, even a single-celled amoeba, is more complex than the space shuttle! A great book called Darwin's Black Box by Michael Behe explains the unbelievable complexity found in single-celled creatures. Most biology textbooks these days teach that all life-forms evolved from "simple, single-celled life-forms."

There are several things to consider here:

There are no "simple life-forms." If it is alive—it is extremely complex.Many single-celled creatures have been observed for thousands of generations with no significant change.Single-celled creatures still exist and reproduce. Why aren't any of them evolving?There are no examples living or fossilized of two-, three-, or four-celled creatures.

After one-celled creatures, the "simplest" animals have about one hundred cells. How did the single-celled creatures become multi-celled?

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