Bubbe's Picks
Lovers & Fools
The elderly couple enters the town dance,
And quietly seek a table near the back.
And quietly seek a table near the back.
Two Torahs?
Jan 24, 2025
Many understand the Torah to be the five books of Moses. And that is true but what many Jews call Torah is…
The Cantor
Jan 05, 2025
Music is very important in Jewish life and has a significant role in the worship services. Because of this a…
Redemption of the First Born
Dec 03, 2024
“And the Lord said to Moses, ‘Look, I have chosen the Levites from among the Israelites to serve as…
Nov 17, 2024
The word “kosher” literally means “proper.” When kosher is used to describe food it refers to those foods…
Sep 21, 2024
Bread plays a very important role in Jewish tradition. In the Torah when Holy visitors come to visit Abraham…
The Name
Sep 07, 2024
Throughout the ages the Jewish people have been extremely careful to honor the name of God. Some won’t even…
The Bar Mitzvah and Jewish Tradition
Aug 18, 2024
The word Bar Mitzvah (spelled בר מצוה in Hebrew) means "one to whom the commandments apply".
Mezuzah on the Doorpost
Jul 25, 2024
If you visit a Jewish home one thing that you may see is a mezuzah. A mezuzah is a small container which is…
The Shochet-Jewish Tradition
Jul 07, 2024
Have you ever wondered what a shochet is? It is known that Torah observant believers keep a special tradition…
Circumcision - Jewish Tradition
Jun 18, 2024
Male circumcision is a well known Jewish tradition. Avraham (Abraham) was called by God and highly honored.…
Bar Mitzvah
May 24, 2024
When a young boy reaches the age of thirteen, he is termed a bar mitzvah, which literally means a son of…
Mar 29, 2024
Anti-Semitism is viral and has infected almost all large organized groups from all sides of the political,…
Mar 22, 2024
Sha'atnez is the term used for clothing made with a mixture of wool and linen fibres. This mixture is clearly…
Maccabeats Lead Havdallah
Mar 01, 2024
The Accidental Talmudist posted this video the “Maccabeats Lead Havdalah - Partners In Torah Shabbaton 2014.”…
Other Sections
The Great Jewish Revolt
While things looked bad for the Jewish people following the destruction of the Second…
Parashat BeMidbar 2021
Parasha for the Week: Bemidbar: Numbers 1:1 – 4:20Haftarah: Hosea 2:1 – 22Besorat Yeshua:…
The End of Time
Daniel 12. The End of Time. Sermon by Messianic Rabbi Jeff Zaremsky. This sermon compares…
Speaking to us from the Past: Colorizing Photos from the Holocaust
Turkish artist Yusuf Tolga Ünker colorizes black and white photos from the Holocaust.
Exclusive Interview with IDF Mental Health Officer
Strong physically, strong mentally. Watch Major Uri explain what it's like to be a mental…
The Path of Life or Death
Sometimes following Yeshua can seem like a difficult decision to make and it indeed can…
Keep Reading!
Enjoy the Archives!
Whole Megillah
There is Nothing Like a Lox
Do you like Jewish food? What is your favorite? Bagels and cream cheese? Blintzes?
The Truth About Ashkenazi Jews
Who are the Ashkenazi Jews?
Ketubah: the Jewish Wedding Contract
What is a ketubah?
Seinfeld: Jewish Food
You will get a real laugh from this excerpt from the show Seinfeld.
Jewish Mourning Rituals: An Overview
The death of a loved one is a very disorienting time, and isn’t something many people think about until it’s actually happening to them.
Gal Gadot Teaches You Hebrew Slang
What do you know about the Hebrew language?
Jewish Funeral and Burial Traditions: What You Need to Know
What are some common Jewish funeral traditions and customs?
Jewish Foods: More Than Just Matzo Ball Soup
Talking about Jewish food is both mouth-wateringly delicious and just a little complicated.
Yom Shabat Medley with Micha Gamerman
Shabbat Oneg with Micha Gamerman” consists of six medleys arranged by Benny Laufer.
Leil Shabbat Medley with Micha Gamerman
How does your family celebrate Friday night Shabbat?
Jewish Ritual: The Secret to Community?
For communities all over the world, keeping Shabbat is one of the most important parts of what it means to be Jewish.
Adopt a Jewish Mother
Rent a son! In Japan people actually hire someone to be a “father” or “friend” for a day.
Second Day of Festivals
Once the Beth Din had evidence that the new moon had been seen, (see FIXING THE CALENDAR) a new month was declared to have started, and…
Car 54 Where Are You? - See You at the Bar Mitzvah
On March 3, 1963, television viewers were treated to an episode of the comedy Car 54, Where Are You? entitled “See You at the Bar Mitzvah.
Ha Tikvah: Does Israel's National Anthem Mean Hope for All?
This video presents a brief history of the controversial origins of the national anthem of Israel – the HaTikvah (The Hope).
Engaged? Jewish Traditions Before a Wedding
Seven Jewish customs and traditions observed before marriage.
Burial vs Cremation: A Jewish Perspective
A discussion of traditional versus current trends regarding burial is presented.
T'fillin, or phylacteries, are square black boxes traditionally worn on the head and arm.
Welcoming the Sabbath at the Western Wall
Shabbat (Sabbath) at the western wall in Jerusalem.
Jewish Guide to Shiva Practices
Shiva is a weeklong mourning period following the burial of an immediate relative in a Jewish family
הפטרה (Haftarah), the name given to the reading from the Prophetic books which follows the Torah reading.
What to Expect at a Jewish Funeral
This is part of a short series on personal conduct at a Jewish funeral.
Apart from its definitive meaning and use, this schlep video is a parody of Uber and Lyft taxi services.
The Jewish Calendar
LUNAR-SOLAR CALENDAR The Jewish calendar is based mainly on the phases of the moon; but it also regulates itself to a lesser degree by the…
The custom of putting Tsitsit, fringes or tassels, on the corners of garments originates in the biblical commandment:
Alms (Tzedakah) Box
The Hebrew word "tzedakah" derives from the biblical word "tzedek" meaning righteousness or justice. Helping those in need is not merely…
Have you done a mitzvah today? A mitzvah is a good deed, something done to benefit someone else without any selfish motives attached to it.…
Archie Bunker Does Shabbat
Carroll O'Connor and Jean Stapleton as Archie and Edith Bunker from All in the Family sit down to Shabbat dinner with the blessings over…
613 Mitzvot
The basic concept in Judaism relating to practice is the Mitzva, a commandment from HaShem.
How to Make Kiddish
Kiddush, like candles, sanctifies the Sabbath. Making kiddush is a simple religious act that sanctifies the Jewish Sabbath, making it…
What is a Get?
A get is a divorce under halacha, or Jewish law. The word can also refer to the document that grants the get, though its technical name is…
Shofar and Blessings
Shofar and Blessings by Mishkanim.
Jewish Tradition, Pomegranates, and Golden Bells
You may have noticed that pomegranates are often portrayed in Jewish art in decorations for candle holders, plates, and other kinds of…
Dude It's Shabbos
Dude it's Shabbos.
Netilat Yadayim - Ritual Hand Washing
"Netilat yadayim" is the Jewish word depicting the religious washing of hand with the help of a cup.
Shabbat Candles
One of the most well known Jewish customs connected with the observance of Shabbat (the Sabbath) is the lighting of lamps or candles before…
A mezuzah is a little box that is nailed to the doorpost of a Jewish home. The Hebrew word mezuzah means doorpost. It is generally placed…
In many Jewish synagogues a minyan is required for public prayer times. A minyan is a group of at least 10 Jewish men over the age of 13…
What are the Top Eight Jewish Foods?
Humans are partial to food to begin with, and Jewish culture is no different – plus Judaism has many unique foods in its culture.
Mikvah-Jewish Tradition
A mikvah, מקווה, is an immersion pool that is used for ceremonial cleansing.
The Yiddish Handbook: 40 Words You Should Know
The Yiddish language is a wonderful source of rich expressions, especially terms of endearment (and of course, complaints and…
A yarmulke in Yiddish, or a kippah in Hebrew, is a small head covering. Kippah literally means covering. Professor Jacob Lauterbach has…
There are several Jewish traditions surrounding the death loved ones. We say the mourner’s kaddish. It is not a mournful dirge, but rather…
Yiddish Words You Should Be Using Right Now
As many readers know, there are videos on Shalom Adventure to help you learn Hebrew, but what about learning some Yiddish vocabulary as…
Pointing to the Torah
When reading sometimes it is helpful to have something to guide us so we don’t skip a line of text.
Celebrating My Son's Bar Mitzvah - Mayim Bialik
Ever been invited to a bar or bat mitzvah and wonder what that even is?
Western Wall
The Western Wall is the western portion of the retaining wall of the Temple Mount where the Temple stood. The Hebrew for Western Wall is…
Jewish Wedding Rings
Even though we have modernized we still hold some sacred old traditions dear amongst the Jewish community. Jewish wedding traditions are…
Tzedakah is from the word meaning righteousness. A tzadek is a righteous person.
Jewish Wedding
A chupah is a large covering that is often used at weddings to cover the bride and groom.
A tallit is a prayer shawl. Tallitot (plural of tallit) are rectangular in shape and have fringes called tzitzits at the four corners.
Traditional Jewish Housewarming Gifts
When a Jewish family moves into a new home, relatives and friends can bring housewarming gifts that honor their Jewish traditions and…
The word Halakhah comes from the root word halakh which means “to go” and it is the name given to the collective teachings of Jewish laws…
Jewish Calendar
LUNAR-SOLAR CALENDAR.The Jewish calendar is based mainly on the phases of the moon; but it also regulates itself to a lesser degree by the…
Yiddish Part Two
Prior to the Holocaust, Yiddish, a language more resembling Middle High German than anything else phonetically, was widely spoken by 11…
Yiddish Part One
The Yiddish language is a western Germanic oral and written dialect used by the Ashkenazi Jews of central and eastern Europe for the past…
Magen David
The Magen David is the six pointed star also known as the Star of David. Magen David literally means "shield of David." It is not certain…
"Shema Yisrael, Adonai Elohenu, Adonai Echad." These wordsare the first words in every mezuzah. They are written in everytefillin and are…
Elon Gold: Why The Jews Are Better Off Without Christmas…
A little holiday comedy to kick off the season. Comedian Elon Gold explains why Jews are better off without Christmas Trees
The shofar, made from a ram's horn, has been used by our people for thousands of years. The blowing of the shofar was used to call the…
A Salty Jewish Tradition
The Torah says “And every offering of your grain offering you shall season with salt; you shall not allow the salt of the covenant of your…
Torah Reading
The custom of reading from the Torah on Saturday mornings is so old that it is difficult to be certain when it first started.
History of the Mezuzah in 60 seconds
Why do we hang a mezuzah? Find out in 60 seconds.
Holocaust Survivor Meets US Veteran After 70 Years
Holocaust Survivor Meets US Veteran After 70 Years
Most Popular
Celebrating My Son's Bar Mitzvah - Mayim Bialik
Ever been invited to a bar or bat mitzvah and wonder what that even is?
History of the Mezuzah in 60 seconds
Why do we hang a mezuzah? Find out in 60 seconds.
Holocaust Survivor Meets US Veteran After 70 Years
Holocaust Survivor Meets US Veteran After 70 Years
Torah Reading
The custom of reading from the Torah on Saturday mornings is so old that it is difficult to be certain when it first started.
Americans Try Israeli Food for the First Time
How familiar are you with some Israeli food? You’re probably familiar with Hummus and falafel, but what about other Israeli delicacies?
Pointing to the Torah
When reading sometimes it is helpful to have something to guide us so we don’t skip a line of text.
The word Halakhah comes from the root word halakh which means “to go” and it is the name given to the collective teachings of Jewish laws…
The Cantor
Music is very important in Jewish life and has a significant role in the worship services. Because of this a special person known as a…
Yiddish Words You Should Be Using Right Now
As many readers know, there are videos on Shalom Adventure to help you learn Hebrew, but what about learning some Yiddish vocabulary as…
A Stone to Remember
Many cultures have different ways of dealing with death. One Jewish custom is to place a stone on the grave of someone who died.
Dude It's Shabbos
Dude it's Shabbos.
Maccabeats Lead Havdallah
The Accidental Talmudist posted this video the “Maccabeats Lead Havdalah - Partners In Torah Shabbaton 2014.” For those who may not speak…
The Maccabeats and Netanel Hershtik Join the World in…
The Maccabeats are a wonderful singing group that shares Jewish music with their own special sound. They were joined by Netanel Hershtik in…
Redemption of the First Born
“And the Lord said to Moses, ‘Look, I have chosen the Levites from among the Israelites to serve as substitutes for all the firstborn sons…
Yiddish Part One
The Yiddish language is a western Germanic oral and written dialect used by the Ashkenazi Jews of central and eastern Europe for the past…
Yiddish Part Two
Prior to the Holocaust, Yiddish, a language more resembling Middle High German than anything else phonetically, was widely spoken by 11…
Apart from its definitive meaning and use, this schlep video is a parody of Uber and Lyft taxi services.
הפטרה (Haftarah), the name given to the reading from the Prophetic books which follows the Torah reading.
Mekhitza-Jewish Tradition
A mekhitza is a dividing wall or barrier that is used to separate men and women. It could be simply a separate room, a curtain, or anything…
Jewish Tradition, Pomegranates, and Golden Bells
You may have noticed that pomegranates are often portrayed in Jewish art in decorations for candle holders, plates, and other kinds of…
Bread plays a very important role in Jewish tradition. In the Torah when Holy visitors come to visit Abraham we read, “Abraham hurried to…
The Jewish Calendar
LUNAR-SOLAR CALENDAR The Jewish calendar is based mainly on the phases of the moon; but it also regulates itself to a lesser degree by the…
How to Make Kiddish
Kiddush, like candles, sanctifies the Sabbath. Making kiddush is a simple religious act that sanctifies the Jewish Sabbath, making it…
Mixing Matters
"...You shall not boil a young goat in its mother's milk" (Deuteronomy 14:21). Many take this verse to mean it isn't kosher to have meat…
Western Wall
The Western Wall is the western portion of the retaining wall of the Temple Mount where the Temple stood. The Hebrew for Western Wall is…
Alms (Tzedakah) Box
The Hebrew word "tzedakah" derives from the biblical word "tzedek" meaning righteousness or justice. Helping those in need is not merely…
Archie Bunker Does Shabbat
Carroll O'Connor and Jean Stapleton as Archie and Edith Bunker from All in the Family sit down to Shabbat dinner with the blessings over…
True Blue
It is very common to associate the color blue with the Jewish people. It is on the flag of Israel which was influenced by the prayer…
Circumcision - Jewish Tradition
Male circumcision is a well known Jewish tradition. Avraham (Abraham) was called by God and highly honored. God said “’I will cause you to…
Bar Mitzvah
When a young boy reaches the age of thirteen, he is termed a bar mitzvah, which literally means a son of commandments or son of good deeds.…