

As I look at my bookshelf . . . for the new generation, a bookshelf, usually made out of wood, a device to hold rectangular pieces of paper…
The Golden Retriever

The Golden Retriever

It was Sabbath and I was going to go on a walk with my mom after eating a wonderful lunch, but after going outside I decided the coat I had…
The Golden Retriever
Bad Egg

Bad Egg

When I was little I really loved living things in general and liked to keep them as pets. I had pet spiders, caterpillars, potato bugs,…
Bad Egg

The Workman's Circle

When I was growing up in my Jewish world I would often hear about a Jewish organization called The Workmen's Circle. I thought that I'd…
The Workman's Circle
A Reason to Praise God

A Reason to Praise God

Why praise God? The same answer kept coming into my mind: praise God for the work that He has done, and is doing in your life. Our God is…
A Reason to Praise God
Surges of Hope

Surges of Hope

As I write this, not only do I write it for you, but for me as well. This has been a…
A Danish or Ice Cream?

A Danish or Ice Cream?

Since I was a kid I loved Danish pastries, especially blueberry and prune, and I was…

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