A Reason to Praise God

A Reason to Praise God

Why praise God?  The same answer kept coming into my mind: praise God for the work that He has done, and is doing in your life. 

Our God is awesome and He has formed us for His glory, not for our own satisfaction.  This is not to say that we cannot enjoy the life He has given us.  Au contraire!  He wants us to have a good life here on earth, but our Father wants us to keep our eyes on Him. 

There have been many times when I thought that I was not good enough...that what I did here really had no meaning and no one would care whether I was here or not.  In my precious Father's eyes, my birth and life here on earth are part of His perfect plan.  I am not an accident or mistake, or a wish from my parents' dreams.  I am intentionally created for something...something special...something for which He, my holy Father, has created me. 

It is hard to imagine that the talents, skills, and gifts that I have are good enough for God.  But, God gave me these abilities to glorify Him.  I fit into the body just the way God wants me to fit.  I do not need to be better than this one or that one.  I need only to do the best that I can for God, with the special abilities He has given me, and to enhance them as He provides.  When I do my best, I am praising Him! 

I really enjoy singing, dancing and flagging for my Messiah -- to show to Him my love.  I don't worry about how I look to others, it only matters how I look to Him.  I don't worry about how I sound to others, I only care about giving Him the glory with my best!  My greatest joy is bringing all the praise and worship, in a form of the arts, to Him when no one is around to see or hear me except Him.  He is my audience of One! 

Sometimes it is hard not to compare myself to others in a way that makes me look insignificant.  But, God has shown me that whatever I do for Him cannot be insignificant if I am doing it for His glory. 

You know, I am happiest when I am doing what God wants me to do, and I know that He is happiest with me during those times. 

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