Recipes Flour Free Banana Bread with Cashew Cream… Aug 16, 2020 Hadassah Shirey A great recipe for those who are gluten intolerant.
Gelt Don't Be Greedy Mar 02, 2024 Lee Bigg “He who is greedy for gain troubles his own house, but he who hates bribes will…
Tikun Olam IDF Lone Soldier from Texas - Friends of the… Jul 26, 2015 Shalom Adventure IDF Lone Soldier from Texas - Friends of the IDF
Heritage Mr & Mrs Jun 11, 2023 Verna-Lee Small When people think of finding "the one" or Mr. or Mrs. Right they usually are…
Heritage Jewish Life in Arab Lands Feb 03, 2017 S.A. TV This is what was lost when the Jews of Arab lands were pushed out of their…
Drasha Frustrated Plans Jan 02, 2020 Shalom Adventure Frustrated Plans. Ezra 4.Sermon by Messianic Rabbi Jeff Zaremsky. Imagine, you…
True Blue It is very common to associate the color blue with the Jewish people. It is on the flag of… True Blue
The Name Throughout the ages the Jewish people have been extremely careful to honor the name of God.… The Name
Candles Candles are very special in Jewish tradition because they are said to represent the light from… Candles
Alms (Tzedakah) Box The Hebrew word "tzedakah" derives from the biblical word "tzedek" meaning righteousness or… Alms (Tzedakah) Box
The Bar Mitzvah and Jewish Tradition The word Bar Mitzvah (spelled בר מצוה in Hebrew) means "one to whom the commandments apply". The Bar Mitzvah and Jewish Tradition
Jewish Calendar LUNAR-SOLAR CALENDAR.The Jewish calendar is based mainly on the phases of the moon; but it also… Jewish Calendar
Shofar The shofar, made from a ram's horn, has been used by our people for thousands of years. The… Shofar
Archie Bunker Does Shabbat Carroll O'Connor and Jean Stapleton as Archie and Edith Bunker from All in the Family sit down… Archie Bunker Does Shabbat
How to Make Kiddish Kiddush, like candles, sanctifies the Sabbath. Making kiddush is a simple religious act that… How to Make Kiddish
Leil Shabbat Medley with Micha Gamerman How does your family celebrate Friday night Shabbat? Leil Shabbat Medley with Micha Gamerman
Engaged? Jewish Traditions Before a Wedding Seven Jewish customs and traditions observed before marriage. Engaged? Jewish Traditions Before a Wedding
Mezuzah on the Doorpost If you visit a Jewish home one thing that you may see is a mezuzah. A mezuzah is a small… Mezuzah on the Doorpost
The Maccabeats and Netanel Hershtik Join the World in… The Maccabeats are a wonderful singing group that shares Jewish music with their own special… The Maccabeats and Netanel Hershtik Join the World in Making Havdallah
Kippah A yarmulke in Yiddish, or a kippah in Hebrew, is a small head covering. Kippah literally means… Kippah
Kosher The word “kosher” literally means “proper.” When kosher is used to describe food it refers to… Kosher
Bar Mitzvah When a young boy reaches the age of thirteen, he is termed a bar mitzvah, which literally means… Bar Mitzvah