Wasser Berlin Opens Doors for German-Israeli Cooperation

Wasser Berlin Opens Doors for German-Israeli Cooperation

An atmosphere of cooperation pervaded the Israeli Pavilion at the recent Wasser Berlin, the international water show which took place at the end of April.

23 Israeli water technology companies presented their solutions in the Pavilion, as well as the Business Brunch that was held on April 24th to promote German–Israeli cooperation in the water sector. 250 meetings took place at the event, bringing Israeli water technology companies together with German and international companies.

"It was exciting to see, for example, Dr. Abdel Qawi Khalifa, the Egyptian Minister of Utilities, Drinking Water and Sewage and the German Federal Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development Dirk Niebel, at our Pavilion," said Hemdat Sagi, Israel's Commercial Attaché in Berlin. "There are a number of Middle East regional cooperations in the water sector underway, and they were discussed both at our booth and at the adjoining Mekorot booth."

The Foreign Trade Administration's Berlin office organized a Business Brunch at the event, bringing together Israeli companies and heads of German water utilities, as well as investors. At the beginning of the event each of the 23 Israeli companies took a few minutes to present themselves and their technologies. Following this there were a number of presentations which purpose was to present the needs and challenges of the German water market.

Flérida Regueira Cortizo, Senior Manager for Environmental Technologies, Germany Trade & Invest, presented on the German water sector. Israel NewTech interviewed Cortizo before the event, and she told us of the growing challenge presented by micropollutants in Germany's water systems, as well as of the high regard in which the German water industry holds Israel's water companies and technologies.

Regina Gnirss, Head of Research and Development, Berliner Wasserbetriebe (Berlin's Water Utility) followed up with her presentation on the needs of Berlin's water utilities and the challenges they face in providing for their 3.5 million residents.

Angeli Büttner, Network Manager, AQUANET Berlin-Brandenburg (Network for intelligent Water infrastructure Systems) then presented on the potential for cooperation between Aquanet and Israel's water sector.

Perhaps the most important part of the Brunch was the mingling that took place following the presentations, in which the German water utility heads, investors, and the representatives of Israel's water companies met and discussed avenues of cooperation.

The next large forum at which cooperations will continue to be forged is WATEC 2013. This major international event will take place in Tel Aviv in October 2013 and will bring together water companies, utilities and investors from Israel, Germany, and countries throughout the world.

Originally found here

Posted on Shalom Adventure by: Barbara Zaremsky

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