Aviva Siegel Tells of Her Experience as a Hostage in Gaza

Aviva Siegel tells reporter Sharri Markson of the horrors of being a hostage in gaza for 51 days while her husband of over 45 years, Keith, was still captive. 

Aviva tells of some of the torture she endured and some of what she saw other younger female hostages experienced. It is so heart breaking that the seasoned news reporter started to cry and hugged Aviva.  

Thankfully, after 484 days in inhuman captivity Keith Siegel has been freed. Aviva told more of her story in other interviews. You can read one here

As we listen to these powerful stories it should remind us of the amazing power of God to survive under such conditions, and remind us to continue in prayer for the freeing of every single Israeli hostage, and for the total defeat of all evil ideologies. 

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