Beauty of the Land of Israel

Beauty of the Land of Israel

God chose a beautiful land to call His own - Israel - and this video offers a spectacular bird’s eye view at some of the many amazing natural sites this country has to offer.

Despite its small New Jersey size, Israel is a kaliedoscope of various breathtaking climates. The barren bronze deserts to the south with various peculiar rock formations, breathtaking snow-capped mountains in the north, lush waterfalls, various plants and wildlife, brightly colored flowers sprinkling the country, exotic bird and butterfly migrations by the millions, fruits and vegetables able to grow despite the arid climate in places, the Dead Sea juxtaposed against majestic mountains across the border with Jordan, the forests and green fields of arable land scattered in the northern part of the country, and the beaches of Eilat and the coastline against the sapphire blue waters of the Mediterranean to name a few.

The Hula Valley is a quiet secuded piece of nature where many go just to watch the birds and get away from everyday life. Whether on a boardwalk along one of the Mediterranean beaches or high up on Mount Carmel overlooking so much, there are no shortage of specracular sunsets to admire. Further up north around the Galilee region, there are no shortage of palm trees and natural springs to explore.

Despite being such a small country with an incredible Biblical history, there is so much natural beauty to take in as well.


Written by Erin Parfet








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