Israelis Use Technology to Make the Desert Bloom

Israelis Use Technology to Make the Desert Bloom

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The Day Yair Avinoam Became a Hero

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The Dead Sea Scrolls

Originally built as a fortress as one of King Uziah’s early construction projects, Qumran…
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Israel's Lady in Red

Israel's Lady in Red

She became known as the lady in red and was one of the most hauntingly iconic images from the…
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Photo: Graffiti and street artists at work with Artists 4 Israel

Here is Israel - Artists 4 Israel

Craig Dershowitz is the executive director of Artists 4 Israel. They are an pro-Israel advocacy…
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Many of you have heard the claim that Jewish communities in Judea Samaria, the West Bank, are…

Do You Know Israeli Milk?

You might have heard the famous text from the Torah, “Hear, Israel, and be careful to obey so…
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