This New Elon Musk Interview with Ben Shapiro is Making the Internet Mad

Ben Shapiro & Elon Musk visited Auschwitz together and then sat down for a very interesting interview discussing topics of anti-Semitism, the Holocaust, Oct 7th 2023 massacre (a site that both Musk and Shapiro visited separately), the importance of free speech, and other topics. 

Elon Musk bought out Twitter, which censored voices it did not agree with, and was filled with computerized bots that encouraged misinformation. Since then Musk has opened up the platform, changing the name to X, and created a free market of ideas.  

Ben Shapiro is a well-known speaker on politics, current events, news, Judaism, and other topics He even preformed on a rap song "Facts" with Tom MacDonald, and he is the founder of the news website the daily wire

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