Jewish Passover Music Video

Jewish Passover Music Video

Accounted in the Biblical Book of Exodus, the miracle of Pesach (translated from the Hebrew as"passed over”) commemorates the miraculous redemption of the Children of Israel from Pharaoh’s tyranny on the 15th day of Nissan.

The Torah explains how Pharaoh enslaved the Jewish people in Egypt, but how Moses, at the Lord's direction, attempted to convince Pharaoh to release the Israelite people from the chains of slavery. Pharaoh refused Moses’ request, initiating the ten plagues descending upon Egypt, culminating in the slaughter of the firstborn with the tenth plague. The plagues passed over the homes of the Israelites, sparing their lives. With the tenth plague, Pharaoh finally surrendered, liberating the Jewish people.

However, Pharaoh soon had second thoughts about this decision, and pursued the Israelites, catching up with them at the shores of the Red Sea. God miraculously intervened, and Moses extended his staff over the sparkling blue sea, parting the waters allowing the Children of Israel to safely exit the barren land of Egypt. The waters did not remain parted long, drowning Pharaoh and his henchmen.

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