"They Gave Me Life" - The Story of Rena Quint

"They Gave Me Life" - The Story of Rena Quint

Rena Quint, born in Piotrkow Poland, survived the holocaust of WWII.  This is her testimony of those who helped her through those terrible years – who gave her life.

From 1939 to 1945 German Nazis dominated central Europe. Those who survived the holocaust, the officially stated policy of the German government to kill innocent Jews, have told their stories of courageous escape from the horrors of man’s inhumanity to man.

This brutal period of history serves to remind humanity that although our civilization can rise to great heights of accomplishment we can also descend to depths of unimaginable depravity.

It has been said that those who forget the past are doomed to relive it. Remembering the holocaust is an insurance payment that such a time might not be repeated.

Written by Richard Paracka



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