Alan Reinach

Photo: Alan Reinach

Outwardly Alan Reinach appeared to be an unlikely candidate for God's kingdom, but in his heart he was searching for truth. But a phone call from an old friend, inviting him to Hawaii to hear the truth of the universe, dramatically changed Alan's life. 

Alan had to go see his friend in Hawaii. He didn't really understand why, but he knew he had to go. Sitting on a mountaintop overlooking the rain forest, he learned about how God created such beauty out of love for humanity. 

Back in his friend's home, Alan studied the time prophecies of Daniel 9, the seventy weeks. Alan was Jewish, raised in a secular New York City home. The Scriptures told of a Messiah to come. When would He come? Alan's friend David provided a crucial link -- Daniel 9 and the Passover. 

The Passover was a prophecy of the Lamb of God, whose death would cover the sins of the world, providing atonement. Daniel told when the Lamb of God would die - in seventy prophetic weeks. Daniel nailed the year of Messiah's death; the Passover provided the day, and even the time of day. 

It was precise clockwork. No guess work about it. We could know that Messiah had truly come, and had fulfilled the plan to the minutest detail! The year, month, day, and hour. Alan was totally convinced. He knew in his heart that God was real, and that the Messiah had come, just as predicted. 

Daniel 9 held the key to Alan's newfound faith. Alan met with a rabbi who tried to convince him that the 70 weeks did not point to the time of the Messiah. Alan pointed out that this was not just any anointed person, but the Anointed Prince. The rabbi had to concede that this was THE Messiah. 

Then the rabbi tried to finagle with the dates. The 70 weeks extended from the destruction of the first Temple to the destruction of the second Temple, he insisted. Alan was not fooled. He knew his history. What date do you want to use for the destruction of the first Temple, he asked? 605, when Nebuchadnezzar first invaded, 597 or 586, the dates of his second and third invasions? 

Either way, since the second Temple was destroyed in 70 C.E., adding 70 to either date made more than 600 years, not 490. The rabbi was in retreat. He had developed many explanations to prove that the Messiah had not yet come, but he could not refute the obvious logic of Daniel 9. Alan's faith had been shaken during their discussion, but his faith emerged triumphant after the discussion of Daniel 9. You can try to explain away as many Messianic prophecies as you like, but there is no wiggle room in Daniel 9. It leads to only one possible conclusion, a faith-confirming conclusion for Alan. 

Originally from:  Jewish Discoveries by Jeff Zaremsky, pages 286-287, which contains a total of 22 fascinating chapters of biblical history and lessons plus 25 rich Jewish tradition sections, and 27 powerful testimonies, with over 40 beautifully rendered professional works of art all on over 300 jam packed pages. You can own this treasure by visiting Jewish Discoveries

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