God's Alchemy

God's Alchemy

Definition of alchemy: A seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination.

Can we claim that it is God’s nature to transform our lives and our circumstances, turning grief into joy, changing evil to result in good...if we will let Him?

For one example let’s recall the story of teen-age Joseph, the highly favored son of Jacob. The animosity his eleven brothers felt toward him culminated in their selling him into slavery in Egypt.

Years later Joseph comforted his brothers who quaked with fear when he revealed his true identity. He spoke to them as they cowered in self-reproach and guilt, “Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that ye sold me hither: for God did send me before you to preserve life.” Genesis 45:5

Another seventeen years passed. At the death of Jacob, their father, the brothers expressed fear of reprisal. Their father was now no longer alive to repress Joseph from returning upon them an evil reward for their hateful treatment of him. However, Joseph assured them, “Fear not...ye thought evil against me, but God meant it unto good.” Genesis 50:20. Because of the blessing of God on Joseph, his own family and the whole land of Egypt were preserved through seven years of drought and famine.

Only heaven knows the misery the eleven brothers endured for their hateful deed of selling Joseph and living a lie before their father for so many years. Joseph had not let it rankle him. He persisted in a course to honour God. Rather than rebuke his brothers Joseph “comforted them, and spake kindly unto them.” Gen. 50:21.

What an example for any of us who are mistreated! O that it could be said of us as the king said of Joseph, “Can we find such a one as this, a man in whom the spirit of God is?” Gen. 41:38

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