Leaving Babylon

The book of Ezra opens with the fulfillment of one of the most amazing prophecies given in scripture. Over 150 years before Cyrus was born The Lord spoke through the prophet Isaiah declaring that Cyrus would play an important part in allowing the Jews to return to Israel.

Cyrus would have been able to read this prophecy for himself and know that God had called him by name and gave him a purpose and density. As we read in Ezra we see that Cyrus was obedient to all that God commanded him to do, he restored the temple articles to Jerusalem and allowed the Jews to return to Israel after 70 years of captivity.


God began to move upon the people’s hearts, and those who remained faithful to Him had the courage to leave Babylon behind and embrace the promise that God made to them that He would bring them back to Jerusalem. They had provision to help with the long journey and the strength to endure the struggles that would lie ahead. The first two chapters of Ezra teaches us that God knows each one of us and He has a plan for us. Although we face many battles and troubles in this life we can rest assured that God never leaves us nor forsakes us, He keeps His promises and He is faithful to complete the work He began in us. 


Is fear holding you back from embracing the promises of God? Or are you struggling with letting go of the things of this world? Join Rabbi Jeff Zaremsky as he breaks into this new series and shows us through the book of Ezra that the Lord is with us wherever we go and we are not alone. God gives us the strength and encouragement we need to leave Babylon behind and live the life He has predestined for us.                                                                                                                                                                           

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