The Lord Blessed Isaac

Isaac Blessed

Because of a drought Isaac moves to Gerer, an area ruled by Abimelech (Avi-melech), king of the Philistines. Isaac’s father, Abraham, had also lived in this area during a drought. At that time Abraham lied about his Sarah, saying she is his sister, instead of saying that she is his wife. Avimelech innocently takes Sarah as wife, but is restrained by God from having relations with her. This incident took place within the year that God Himself came in the flesh and prophesied to Abraham that Sarah would conceive Isaac. This whole incident endangered the conception of Isaac. The lie brought shame upon Abraham.

Then over 60 years later Isaac comes to this same man and also lies about his wife saying she is his sister. In some ways Isaac’s lie is worse in that Sarah was Abraham’s half-sister, but that was not the case with Isaac and Rebecca (she was his cousin). In this account Avimelech does not take Rebecca as wife, but he does find out Isaac’s lie and rebukes him for it. 

In spite of Isaac’s lack of faith, lying, and not immediately repenting of the wrong, God abundantly blesses Isaac.

Being blessed while in disobedience seems contrary to other statements in the Bible.  God did have a reason for blessing Isaac at this point in his life.


While being blessed by God, Isaac has problems from people. Isaac’s example helps teach us some important life lessons.

Have you been blessed by God? Have you always deserved it? Have you appreciated it? Have people ever caused problems in your life? How should we reacted to these situations?

Join Rabbi Jeff Zaremsky by viewing this week’s sermon and finding why God would bless Isaac while Isaac was acting in disobedience to God, and how to deal when misused by others.

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