Shai Abramson in a Musical Performance with GMJF Pacesetters in Jerusalem

Shai Abramson in a Musical Performance with GMJF Pacesetters in Jerusalem

Shai Abramson, Chief Canter of the IDF, leads a mini concert of familiar Jewish songs in Jerusalem. It’s a very engaging foot-tapping all too few minutes of musical entertainment.

The performance is presented for the benefit of the Greater Miami Jewish Federation. Established in 1938, the GMJF is a response to Kristallnacht (night of broken glass), which is considered to be the harbinger of the holocaust. 

The Federation helps to plan schools, Jewish Community Centers (JCC), agencies and synagogues. They stand alongside Israel in ordinary and extraordinary times.  GMJF also speaks on behalf of Refusnik Jews as well as aging holocaust survivors in America.   

You don’t have to be Jewish to enjoy this concert and you don’t have to speak Hebrew to understand the joy of Shai Abramson’s music.

Written by Richard Paracka


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