"Trainees and Reservists" Take Out Hamas Leader Yahya Sinwar

At a time when journalism and politics are at an all-time low, this journalist calls out the hypocrisy regarding past statements by some politicians contrasted with those same politicians’ current statements when they heard that Israel eliminated terrorist sinwar (interesting name sin-war). sinwar is responsible for orchestrating the Simchat Torah massacre that took place on Oct 7th 2023. 

After threatening Israel if they went into Rafah, the very place sinwar was hiding with thousands of other terrorists, with stores of weapons reserved for killing more Jews, and hundreds of tunnels, including over one hundred that crossed into Egypt and was a life line of support to the terrorists, these so called leaders now praise the death of sinwar, which would not have been possible if Prime Minister Netanyahu would have bent the knee and obeyed the world diplomates.   

Now, because of Israel entering into Rafah, and killing terrorists like sinwar, the countries of Canada, France, England, the US, and others are withholding weapons from Israel that would only hinder Israel from winning the war and bringing an end to militant terrorists groups that have caused untold terror for the last several decades. Israel is currently at the front of eliminating the terrorist leaders, removing their weapons and terrorist capabilities, which will make Israel much safer, and the whole world much safer. Why are the so-called leaders of so-called western, professed peaceful countries resisting their efforts? 

One of the IDF soldiers who was there when sinwar’s body was removed from the rubble wrote: 

“I just came out of Rafah. Only not so long ago I looked him, Sinwar, in the eyes. I had a few minutes alone with him and I looked at him a small ugly, broken figure thrown on a cut-up couch and I thought of all the good people who aren't. Amisher, Banava, Roy, Tomer, Salman, Adar, Ran and more and more. Soldiers, orphans, kidnapped, injured, so much pain this man has caused. I looked at the ruined city and I felt pain even for them, but, most of all I felt insult, insult in the name of God. Because he too was once a baby and a child, and he also had a choice, and he chose evil, chose evil, what an insult that he too is a man created in your image, some distortion. How much better the world is now. 

We will not be confused and we will not give up. 

Together we will win. Happy holiday."  

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