Drasha Four Great Beasts Jul 18, 2019 Shalom Adventure Daniel 7. Four Great Beasts.Sermon by Messianic Rabbi Jeff Zaremsky.
Genesis Turkey Vultures May 03, 2020 Juanita Kretschmar The turkey vulture, who has some of the most amazing mechanisms to be found in…
Traditions Elon Gold: Why The Jews Are Better Off… Dec 25, 2018 S.A. TV A little holiday comedy to kick off the season. Comedian Elon Gold explains why…
Shoah I Found the Place My Grandfather was Murdered… Mar 08, 2019 S.A. TV The Babi Yar (translating from Ukranian as the “Old Woman’s Ravine”) massacre…
Articles Joash Nov 14, 2016 Barbara Joash, who was only 7 when he became king, was the youngest king that ever…
Holy Days Videos Fat Face/Blank Space (Taylor Swift Chanukah… Nov 22, 2021 S.A. TV This video is produced by the Singer family and is a Chanukah parody of a…
Dayenu: Passover Song The Philadelphia Biblical University Institute of Jewish Studies Class of 2000 Music Team… Dayenu: Passover Song
A Moving Story of a Child's Perspective of the Holocaust Former Governor Mike Huckabee tells a very powerful and moving story of an 11 year old who… A Moving Story of a Child's Perspective of the Holocaust
How To Light The Chanukah Menorah Do you light the menorah left to right, right to left, from the center, any order you want,… How To Light The Chanukah Menorah
Eicha by Sam Glaser, Jewish Music for Tisha B'av Lamentations is considered one of the five megillot (scrolls) in the Hebrew Bible along with… Eicha by Sam Glaser, Jewish Music for Tisha B'av
Light the Candles and Believe - Shut Up and Dance Chanukah… The Youth & Family Engagement team at Central Synagogue wish you a Happy Chanukah! Light the Candles and Believe - Shut Up and Dance Chanukah Parody
Story of Ruth The Biblical book of Ruth is a wonderful account of a Moabitess named Ruth. Story of Ruth
Let My People Go Afterward, Moses and Aaron went and said to Pharaoh, “Thus says the God of Israel: Let my… Let My People Go
Yom Ha'atzmaot This music video creatively weaves together various photos of Israel, highlighting some of… Yom Ha'atzmaot
Elon Gold - Keep Your Gragers Close! The word “grogger” is of Yiddish origin for rattle or noisemaker while the Hebrew form of the… Elon Gold - Keep Your Gragers Close!
Shalom Sesame Missing Menorah Shalom Sesame was developed by the same group that created Sesame Street in collaboration with… Shalom Sesame Missing Menorah
Pella Productions - 8 Nights of Hanukkah Jewish a cappella group Pella Singers present a holiday medley in observance of Chanukah. Pella Productions - 8 Nights of Hanukkah
Six 13 Presents a Nice Jewish Boy Band Chanukah The video "Six13 Presents: A Nice Jewish Boy Band Chanukah" presents the timeless Chanukah… Six 13 Presents a Nice Jewish Boy Band Chanukah
20 Things To Do With Matzah Passover’s over, and wouldn’t it be neat if you could use all the matzah that you didn’t eat? 20 Things To Do With Matzah
Passover Pesach 2015 Seder Rube Goldberg Machine from… Technion students get ready for Passover, the festival of freedom, and let their imagination… Passover Pesach 2015 Seder Rube Goldberg Machine from Technion in Israel
Rosh Hashanah. Overview Rosh Hashanah. Overview by Messianic Rabbi Jeff Zaremsky. Rosh Hashanah. Overview
The Truth About Jerusalem Danny Ayalon, Founder of the "Truth About Israel", Former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs… The Truth About Jerusalem
Uncle Jay Explains Passover Jay Gilbert, of Uncle Jay Explains the News, humorously yet informatively describes the concept… Uncle Jay Explains Passover
Hope - Fountainheads The Fountainheads are an Israeli music group that traditionally juxtaposes Jewish lyrics into… Hope - Fountainheads