Most Amazing Archaeological Finds From Israel

Most Amazing Archaeological Finds From Israel

Seven of the most amazing archaelogical finds ever recorded in Israel are documented in the following video.

One of which is a 3,000 year old Philistine graveyard, the first Philistine cemetery ever discovered under mounds of dirt, unearthed near Ashkelon on the Mediterranean coast. The findings have opened up much debate among archaeologists and Bible scholars regarding the burial practices of this people group. Some sources believe two people are buried per every ten feet of the burial site.

“We are still working to understand the identity and origins of the Philistines,” Adam Aja, Excavation Leader of the Harvard Semitic Museum stated. “The study of burial practices and the skeletal remains will contribute significantly to this picture, but this will only be a part of it.”

“I was impressed by the variety of burial types,” Aja continued. “We found stone tombs, children buried under sherds [fragments of pottery] or face down, pit graves, and cremations [in sealed jars]. This reveals that there was not a single burial practice for this population.”

A site believed to be King Solomon’s palace was also uncovered by archaeological teams up on the Temple Mount

What other discoveries do you think have been uncovered in Israel? You will have to watch the video to find out.

Written by Erin Parfet








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