Israel Then 1500 Year Old Church Discovered in Ramat Beit… Dec 30, 2019 S.A. TV A 1,500-year-old byzantine-era church with spectacular multicolored mosaic…
Drasha Pictures of Messiah Dec 02, 2020 Shalom Adventure Pictures of Messiah. Overview of the Book of Zechariah.Sermon by Messianic…
Shoah I Found the Place My Grandfather was Murdered… Mar 08, 2019 S.A. TV The Babi Yar (translating from Ukranian as the “Old Woman’s Ravine”) massacre…
Drasha Yom Kippur - Valley of Decision Sep 21, 2023 Shalom Adventure Joel 3: Yom Kippur: Valley of Decision Sermon by Messianic Rabbi Jeff Zaremsky
Drasha Israel Independence Day Apr 06, 2016 Shalom Adventure Video Drasha. Israel Independence Day • Yom Haatzmaut
Recipes Easy Incredible Marinara Sauce Jul 30, 2020 S.A. TV Check out this tasty and incredibly easy recipe for completely plant-based…
Tabernacle - The Manna When Moses and the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness, God performed something… Tabernacle - The Manna
Israeli Archaeologists Uncover Ancient Building Near… In 2021 Israeli archaologists discovered an ornate 2,000 year old building. Israeli Archaeologists Uncover Ancient Building Near Jerusalem's Western Wall
Lachish Lachish is an ancient city of Judah on located in the Shephelah lowlands, historically second… Lachish
The Most Exciting Moments in Unearthing Jerusalem Watch archaeologist Helene Machline recount her most exciting moments digging up ancient… The Most Exciting Moments in Unearthing Jerusalem
The Dead Sea Scrolls are the Most Important Archaeological… This brief introduction to the most important archaeological discovery of the twentieth century… The Dead Sea Scrolls are the Most Important Archaeological Discovery of the 21st Centuray
Betrothal and Marriage in the Time of the Bible How did people go about getting married in ancient Israel? Betrothal and Marriage in the Time of the Bible
Another Incredible Archaeological Discovery in Jerusalem In 70 CE Rome destroyed what was then known as Jerusalem, including the Temple, after a long… Another Incredible Archaeological Discovery in Jerusalem
The Elah Valley In this video Luke Chandler takes us up to the archeological site of Tel Khirbet Qeiyafa. From… The Elah Valley
Seal of King David's Son A small clay sealing approximately one centimeter in diameter dating back to the 7th century… Seal of King David's Son
The Silver Scrolls Most of us have heard of the Dead Sea Scrolls, the words of which were written in the eleventh… The Silver Scrolls
The Discovery of the Lost Fortress of Ai The Discovery of the Lost Fortress of Ai Presenter: Bryant Wood, Director of Research at… The Discovery of the Lost Fortress of Ai
Jerusalem's City of David Explained In 1867 Captain Charles Warren, who had served as chief of police in London during the Jack the… Jerusalem's City of David Explained
Israeli Archaeologists: King Hezekiah Really Did Destroy… Israeli archaeologists: King Hezekiah really did destroy idols. Israeli Archaeologists: King Hezekiah Really Did Destroy Idols
Kidron Valley Adventure - City of David, Ancient Jerusalem Tour guides escort the viewer on a short visit to ancient burial sites in the Kidron Valley. Kidron Valley Adventure - City of David, Ancient Jerusalem
Gideon's Name Found in Israel An amazing archeological discovery in Israel was just unearthed, a piece of pottery with the… Gideon's Name Found in Israel
Fascinating Look at The Temple Mount's Largest Stone Interesting information on this largest of all stones of the Temple wall. Fascinating Look at The Temple Mount's Largest Stone
Gold Earring Dating Back Over 2,000 Years Discovered in the… Jerusalem of Gold: The spectacular gold earring, shaped like a horned animal, dates back to the… Gold Earring Dating Back Over 2,000 Years Discovered in the City of David