

At a time when Abraham's nephew lot was living in the city of Sodom a war took place among the nations and lot was taken captive. When Abraham heard that lot was taken he armed his 318 servants and went in pursuit to save lot. When Abraham and his little band of men caught up to these armies they were able to overtake them and deliver lot, as well as the other people who were taken captive, and their possessions.

As they were returning Melchizedek, the king of Salem, who was also the priest of god most high, came out to meet them. Melchizedek blessed Abraham saying, "blessed be Abram of god most high, possessor of heaven and earth; and blessed be god most high who has delivered your enemies into your hand." Abraham gave 10 percent of all that he had to Melchizedek.

Now it is interesting that in psalm 110:4 King David says concerning the messiah that "the lord hath sworn, and will not repent, thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek". What did David mean? The Levites, the Jewish priests in the sanctuary, represented what the Messiah would do as our high priest in heaven. Even though Melchizedek was a priest of the most high god, he was not a Levite. The Messiah, too, would be a heavenly high priest even though he was not of the tribe of Levi.

Abraham gave 10 percent of his possessions to Melchizedek. The children of Abraham, both physical and spiritual, should give 10 percent of their possessions to the messiah. Melchizedek was the king of Salem, which literally means the king of peace. Isaiah the Hebrew prophet said that the messiah would be called the prince of peace. When we accept Y'shua as our Messiah we will have inner peace because He has forgiven us of our sins.

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