

On the 6th day of earth's creation God said, "Let us make man in our image after our likeness." So God formed Adam from the dust of the ground and then breathed into him the breath of life.

Adam started naming all the animals around him. When Adam saw an animal with a lot of hair, he called it a bear. One animal that was much smaller than a house, he called a mouse. One that was bigger than a rat, he called a cat. The animal that couldn't laugh was called a giraffe.

Then God put the man into a deep sleep and took a rib from him. From that rib God created a woman for Adam and named her Eve. God created her from Adam's rib, showing that he wanted them to work and live together side by side. The first full day that Adam and Eve spent together was the 7th day of the week. God gave them the Sabbath in the Garden of Eden as their wedding present. How about that for a honeymoon suite?

Adam's first full day of life was spent resting in God's love, in perfect peace. God is still the same today. When we accept Him into our lives, the first thing He asks us to do is to rest in His love. He does not start by giving us commandments, NO, NO. He starts by granting us forgiveness, changing our desires, and then filling us with the power to obey. God calls His people His bride. Right now He is making the wedding arrangements. When we are ready, He will come back for us, and we will spend our honeymoon with Him in heaven.

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