Abraham's Seed

Abraham's Seed

God made a promise to Abraham that from His seed all the nations of the earth would be blessed.  He was promised that God's children would be as many as the sands of the sea through this seed.  Isaiah, a Hebrew prophet, said that God's house would be a house of prayer for all people. 

How has the promise come to fulfillment?  How have all the nations of the earth been blessed through Abraham's seed?  And how has God's house become a house of prayer for all people?  We must notice that the promise was for Abraham's seed, which is singular, instead of seeds as of many.  So then, who is this seed of Abraham that was going to bless all the nations and bring them into His house of prayer?  It is none other than God's Messiah.  The Messiah was to come from the lineage of Abraham, from the tribe of Judah, a descendent of David.  The Messiah was to bless all nations by providing forgiveness to every human being who would accept it. 

The Messiah Yeshua has fulfilled all of these requirements.  He was from the seed of Abraham, the tribe of Judah, and a descendent of David.  He died for the forgiveness of sins for all who will accept His death as the punishment for their sins.  And as a result there will be in God's house of prayer in Heaven people from all nations, from all tribes, languages, and people groups. 

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