

Do you ever think about heaven? It is a beautiful place.

The bible describes it as a real place, where God and angels live. It is also the place where we will be allowed to live after the Messiah comes again to take us there.

We will have real flesh and bones and will build houses to live in. We will not have to build for someone else because everyone will be able to build his or her own. We will plant gardens and eat the harvest from them. The blind will see, the deaf will hear, and the lame will walk. Heaven has flowers that never die, even if we pick them.

We will be able to walk with God and His angels. They will show us all the times that they have helped us. We will be able to ask them all the questions that never were answered on this earth. They will explain to us all the reasons why we had to go through the hard times that we all face in this life. As we look at all the beauty around us we will say heaven was worth it all.

There are some things that will not be in heaven. There will be no more crying, no more dying, no more pain. No one will ever be sick again, and there shall never be any violence again. As a matter of fact, the wolves, lambs, leopards, goats, cows, lions, and bears will all live together in harmony and they will all be vegetarians. The children will even be able to play with snakes.

We need to be preparing for heaven now. We can begin by praying that God will show us the attitudes and actions that are not heavenly. Then we can ask God to forgive us and change us to be more like Him.

Picture originally found here

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