Shoah I Survived Two Concentration Camps Jun 09, 2022 S.A. TV 93-year-old Eva Behar was taken to Auschwitz from her home in Romania in 1944.
Traditions Mekhitza-Jewish Tradition Oct 16, 2023 Lee Bigg A mekhitza is a dividing wall or barrier that is used to separate men and…
Holy Days Videos Yom Teruah Song Sep 04, 2021 Shalom Adventure Yom Teruah. Song by Keren & Greg Tarr.
Heritage Steve Wohlberg Jan 07, 2021 Jeff Zaremsky Steven Wohlberg was walking along the beach with Seth, his 2-year-old son, when…
To Your Health How to Make Your Own Fruit and Vegetable Wash Jul 28, 2018 S.A. TV Commercial fruit and vegetable washes fail to work better than tap water, but…
Kippalive - Al HaNisim The Israeli a capella musical group Kipplative created this music video to commemerate the… Kippalive - Al HaNisim
Fat Face/Blank Space (Taylor Swift Chanukah Parody by the… This video is produced by the Singer family and is a Chanukah parody of a Taylor Swift song. Fat Face/Blank Space (Taylor Swift Chanukah Parody by the Singers
Tisha B'av at the Kotel It is not unusual for the Jewish people by the tens of thousands to flock to the Western Wall… Tisha B'av at the Kotel
Avinu Malkenu (Violin and Piano) A beautiful rendition of a traditional High Holy Days song. Avinu Malkenu (Violin and Piano)
Shavuot in Jerusalem - What is this Holiday? Posted in 2012, this video invites viewers to consider the question “Shavuot in Jerusalem: What… Shavuot in Jerusalem - What is this Holiday?
The Perfect Chanukah Greeting Song How and why we celebrate the Festival of Chanukah in two minutes! The Perfect Chanukah Greeting Song
Six13 - Watch Me (Spin / Drey-Drey) - 2015 Chanukah Jam CHAG SAMEACH! Think there's no funky way to celebrate the Festival of Lights? WATCH ME. Six13 - Watch Me (Spin / Drey-Drey) - 2015 Chanukah Jam
4 Things Jews Do On Rosh Hashanah The Jewish new year is not just a stereotypical December 31 gathering -- with champagne,… 4 Things Jews Do On Rosh Hashanah
Tips for Tisha B’Av For some people, the concept of fasting for 24-25 hours can be a difficult aspect of Tisha B’Av… Tips for Tisha B’Av
Hanukkah Rock - An Elvis Inspired Jewish Acapella Hanukkah… It's Hanukkah 2020, and if you're ready for the "Hanukkah Rock", join Jewish a cappela group… Hanukkah Rock - An Elvis Inspired Jewish Acapella Hanukkah Medley
Fountainheads – Light up the Night The Fountainheads, a group of Israeli student musicians known for many songs associated with… Fountainheads – Light up the Night
Let Them Go (Passover Version of "Let it Go" from Disney's… A Passover parody of the "Let It Go" song from the Disney movie, "Frozen," made famous by the… Let Them Go (Passover Version of "Let it Go" from Disney's Frozen)
Benji Lovitt Presents "Rosh Hashanah: Apples and What???" Some people may try to be creative with the traditional Rosh Hashanah foods, but nothing quite… Benji Lovitt Presents "Rosh Hashanah: Apples and What???"
In the Bender Kitchen: Matzah Pizza and Matzah Lasagna This is a virtual recipe for how to make matzah pizza and matzah lasagna. In the Bender Kitchen: Matzah Pizza and Matzah Lasagna