Miami Boys Choir - Light up the Night

Song: Light up the Nights

Sung by: Miami Boys Choir

Composed and Directed by: Yerachmiel Begun

Light up the Nights

The scene was set back when
A group of fearless men
Stood up for their beliefs
And risked their lives
They acted with one voice
And firmly made a choice
This nation be ensured
That it survive
Their prayers were answered each day
Their minds fixed on their destination
With victory they made their way
No longer deprived
At last they arrived
To a miracle lasting for all generations!
1, 2, 3, Fo-ur, 5, 6, 7, 8!
The candles burning bright
On the festival of lights
Here on Chanukah
Our nation as a whole
Can reach a common goal
With the fire in our souls
The light of Chanukah!
That it survive
We face a daunting task
One that we cannot mask
A danger just as real as it was then
(Light up the nights!)
Lets stand with open eyes
To hear our brothers cries
And courage now is needed once again
(Light up the nights!)
Let's carry our banner with pride
For this freedom how long we have waited
With the words of the Torah our guide
If we stand as one, it can't be undone
Just think of the wonders that can be created!
1, 2, 3, Fo-ur, 5, 6, 7, 8!
Light up the nights!
The candles burning bright
On the festival of lights
Here on Chanukah
We answer to one name
Our Heritage the same
The power of the flame
The light of Chanukah

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