Drasha Apple of His Eye Jun 25, 2020 Shalom Adventure Apple of His Eye. Zechariah 2.Sermon by Messianic Rabbi Jeff Zaremsky.
Articles The Thing You Will Never See Again Sep 07, 2014 Verna-Lee Small Moses answered the people, "Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the…
Israel Now Friday Night Explosions Dec 10, 2024 Abbi Perets This was written 10 years ago, but the story sadly still applies to today.
Drasha Final Conflict Sep 05, 2019 Shalom Adventure Daniel 11. Final Conflict: Islam and Christianity Battle it out. Sermon by…
Parasha Parashat Va'era Dec 28, 2021 Richard Amram Elofer Parasha for the Week: Va'era: Exodus 6:2 - 9:35Haftarah for the Week: Ezekiel…
Eva Kor: The Holocaust Survivor Who Forgave the Nazis Eva Kor, a survivor of the twin experiments at Auschwitz, shares some of her stories of trauma… Eva Kor: The Holocaust Survivor Who Forgave the Nazis
Eugene Black - Slave Laborer and Camp Survivor Eugene was born Jeno Schwartz in Munkacs, Czechoslovakia in 1928. He had a happy family life… Eugene Black - Slave Laborer and Camp Survivor
Holocaust Glossary The following is intended to provide a frame of reference for discussion. Anti-Semitism… Holocaust Glossary
How Denmark Saved its Jews During the Holocaust One of the lessons to be learned form the Shoah is the extent to which human courage and… How Denmark Saved its Jews During the Holocaust
I Survived the Holocaust Twin Experiments Eva was one of a pair of twins who survived the horrific experiments done on twins by Dr.… I Survived the Holocaust Twin Experiments
Liberators and Survivors: The First Moments The liberation of concentration camps by the US Army at the end of WWII is an excellent entry… Liberators and Survivors: The First Moments
Hidden Children Even today, no one knows how many Jewish children were hidden during the war. The one most… Hidden Children
Execution of Nazi Frankenstein Josef Blosche A most famous picture from the Holocaust is that of a young boy with his hands raised while a… Execution of Nazi Frankenstein Josef Blosche
Whose Child are You? Holocaust survivor Josef Herschel tells of the horrific events of World War II and how his… Whose Child are You?
Martin Kapel: Germany, Poland and England Martin Kapel was born in Leipzig, Germany in 1930. As the son of Polish parents, Martin was… Martin Kapel: Germany, Poland and England
I Survived Two Concentration Camps 93-year-old Eva Behar was taken to Auschwitz from her home in Romania in 1944. I Survived Two Concentration Camps
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising Between July 22 and September 12, 1942, the German authorities deported or murdered around… Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
Holocaust Love Story A Florida couple who met in a concentration camp later found each other again during a blind… Holocaust Love Story
History was Made Today in the Jewish Holy City of Hebron to… History was made today in Israel with the Prime Minister, the President and the Speaker of… History was Made Today in the Jewish Holy City of Hebron to Remember This!
Remembering Lucy Baum A song about Rosalie Schiff, who lost her family in Belzec Concentration camp and stayed up at… Remembering Lucy Baum
My Father's Holocaust Secret When holocaust survivor Aryeh Goldberg passed away he left his son Tzachi his gold Phillippe… My Father's Holocaust Secret
NIcholas Winton Honored Sir Nicholas Winton saved the lives of hundreds of young Jewish people. NIcholas Winton Honored
World War II and the Holocaust A brief synopsis of German occupation and then defeat. World War II and the Holocaust