How Did a Chinese Diplomat Save 10,000 Jews in WWII

In this video “How Did a Chinese Diplomat Save 10,000 Jews in WW2? | Unpacked” you will learn about how a man with no Jewish ancestry was able to do so much for those who did. Although he did a lot to help the Jewish people interestingly, he isn’t as well-known other people remembered for their heroic deeds during the sad dark time of the Holocaust. Feng-Shan Ho (also known in China as Feng-Shan)- is believed to have saved over 4,000 Jews from the Nazis and if you watch the video you can learn the details regarding how.

But for some basic context, he was born to a poor family in rural China and received some education from Christian missionaries before he going to Germany to get a doctorate. After World War Two started he was put in a unique position to witness to the horrors that Jewish people went through in a way that he probably wouldn’t have otherwise.

The Jewish people were routinely scapegoated for Germany’s problems and sacrificed on the altar of a deluded nationalistic pride to pacify a misplaced desire for greatness. It didn’t start off with the gas chambers. Society normalized bigotry to those deemed less than themselves.  In time people became increasingly calloused and the evil the Jews went through worsened.  Yet many people apparently didn’t or were too invested in arrogantly defending the greatness of their national identity (instead of focusing on what makes one great in the eyes of God) to care.

Feng-Shan Ho however was moved with compassion upon seeing their situation. Feng-Shan Ho didn’t just feel private pity and then carry on with his day. “Just as the body is dead without breath, so also faith is dead without good works.” James 2:26 He was really to take great risks in order to help those he saw were in need. We should learn from his example. Keep an eye out for how you can serve others instead of turning a blind eye to the suffering of others.

The Bible tells us, “But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and the fruit of good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere.” James 3:17 “For God does not show favoritism.” Romans 2:11 It is very easy to say God does not show favoritism with our mouths but reject the way of God in our hearts. Whenever we prioritize the comfort and wellbeing of those who look and act like us above others we are out of alignment with the way of God. 

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