Schedule a Healthy Lifestyle

Schedule a Healthy Lifestyle

1. Rise early and drink two 8 oz. glasses of water.

2. Spend time seeking God through Bible study and prayer.

3. Plan your day. Arrange to give of your time and energy in service; make someone else feel loved and appreciated.

4. Do 15 minutes to an hour of exercise.

5. Take a shower.

6. Eat a good breakfast.

7. During the morning, drink two 8 oz. glasses of water and avoid snacking.

8. Eat a moderate lunch, followed by a stroll outside. Breathe deeply.

9. During the afternoon, drink three more glasses of water. Remember, no snacking.

10. Eat a very light evening meal or skip supper altogether and take a walk instead.

11. Change your pace in the afternoon and evening; do something physical if your daytime work is mental, or vice versa. Schedule some family time. Drink at least one more glass of water.

12. Before you go to sleep, list ten things for which you are thankful.

13. Go to bed at the same time each evening. One hour's rest before midnight is worth two hours of rest after midnight.

Originally found here

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