

By now, you may have come to realize that you need help to improve your health...Perhaps you have been trying to improve your lifestyle, but you realize that your efforts to change the habits that may have impaired your health have been fruitless. Have you considered that the power to change may need to come from without rather than within?

For some people, the changes that need to be made are only small ones, but for others the changes may seem insurmountable. Regardless of the changes that need to be made, achieving good health (and maintaining it!) may best be accomplished not by “trying” to make the changes, but by “trusting” that the changes can be made. Lasting change can only come when you realize how ineffective your own efforts have been to fight the disease or the habits that have brought on the disease. For example, if you are fighting obesity and have developed high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes, then the first step to recovery is to realize the dire situation in which you find yourself – a situation of sickness that can lead to death. Maybe your doctor has already warned you of an impending stroke or heart attack. When this realization of the gravity of your situation sinks in, you are headed in the right direction. The next step is to develop trust. But trust in what? Some addiction recovery groups say to put your trust in a higher power. Here at NEWSTART, we believe the only Higher Power that is worthy of our complete trust is God, the Creator of the universe, our forever Friend.

Paul, the great writer in the Bible stated his trust in God like this: “O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? I thank God – through Yeshua the Messiah our Lord!” (Romans 7:24, 25 NKJV). Paul realized the battle was not his, but Messiah’s. He realized his own helpless condition – his sickness, if you will. When you come to this point, then you are on the road to recovery – on the road to a NEWSTART! When you recognize that some of your past habits may have contributed to your sickness, then it’s time to “trust.” Trust in the deliverance offered by Yeshua the Messiah. Trust in the power of a God who created you – a God who loves you, and who even died for you. When we feel we cannot change our bad habits, then trust that God can! Hand over control and trust in His power to give you the strength to make the right decisions. The result? Yeshua said, “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10).

Paul again expresses his trust in God this way: “Casting all your anxiety upon Him for He cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7). Anxiety (or worry) is a state of mistrust and has led to many dire and evil consequences from drug addiction to suicide. It can cause high blood pressure, heart disease and even cancer. Resentment, hate, and anger cause anxiety. Anxiety and resentment may indicate a lack of the necessary trust that leads to a peaceful and content existence (see Matthew 6:25-34). Anxiety is gripping our nation due to natural disasters, economic insecurity, broken families, and social deterioration. This is the time to cast your anxiety upon God and trust Him. Won’t you consider giving Him a chance to show you what He can do? He’s waiting to give you strength and comfort like you’ve never had before.

If you want to learn more about how to trust in God, click here

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