I overslept when I had so much to do.
I really didn't mean to forget about You.
But nothing seemed to go right, I swear.
First, Joey tried to drown his teddy bear,
Then the neighbor's dog destroyed the trash,
Which made me late to the bank to pick up cash.
Oh, Lord, I am sorry I forgot to pray.
I was just in a rush seemed like all day.
Read Your Bible? No, I guess I didn't grow.
But honest, God, I'll do better tomorrow.
Yea, lately I've been letting You down.
That's probably why I'm wearing a frown.
No promises, God, but I'll do my best.
Starting right now put Your mind to rest.
Thanks for Your Son! Take care of mom and dad.
Thanks for my friends, they make my heart glad.
Would You please mend my family's differences?
I need every one. Tear down our fences.
Thanks for letting Your love shine through.
I know Father, that's just You being You. Amen.
terry miller
Picture by: Mark Shagal. Public Domain