Moses, the Problem Solver

Moses, the Problem Solver

As I was growing up, and old enough to read the Torah, I always felt sorry for Moses. The people ofIsraelhad a lot of problems (still do), and Moses had to listen to a lot of complaints. It got so intense for him that his father-in-law stepped in and shared the burden.

Can you imagine all of the complaints and problems? A sane person could go crazy! From too much manna, wanting to go back toEgypt, and on and on and on. It’s amazing Moses could function, but with the G-d of his fathers he did.

Many of us face the same trials that Moses faced to a greater or lesser degree. Like Moses, the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is always willing to help us. He says through the Prophet Jeremiah, “Call upon me and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things you never knew.”

I’ve always loved Moses. I bear his name as my middle name in Yiddish, Maish.

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