Globe Artichoke

Globe Artichoke

Globe artichoke is Native to the Mediterranean region, and was prized as a delicacy and digestive aid by the ancient Greeks and Romans and throughout the centuries it has been continued to be treasured such.

The acids in Artichoke-leaf extract stimulates bile production which supports the liver's eliminative function, by moving toxins in liver into the intestines for emission. Bile is also needed for the body to breakdown fats and cholesterol and to absorb fat-soluble vitamins ( like as A, D, E, and K). Alcohol consumption, a high fat diet, and environmental toxins can overwork the liver, causing headaches, digestive problems/constipation, and high cholesterol.

The is strong scientific support for the artichoke leaf's potential for the digestive system. In a 2003 Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, published a study in which 129 people with functional dyspepsia (a condition which can involve stomach pain, nausea, bloating and gas) were given 320 milligrams of artichoke-leaf extract twice a day, and 115 people were given a placebo. After six weeks of treatment, subjects receiving the artichokeleaf extract reported a significantly greater improvement in symptoms than those on the placebo.

In another study during 2002 published by the journal Phytomedicine, even 320 mg of artichoke-leaf extract once a day seemed as effective as a 640 mg a day in decreasing dyspeptic symptoms, and anxiety. There haven’t been many studies to verified the plant’s ability to aid cholesterol levels but a double blind placebo study in 2000 suggested that it could help since patients taking 1,800 mg the artichoke-leaf extract every day reduced their cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Woman that are pregnant and/or nursing should ask a physician before using artichoke leaf extract.

Article originally found here

Picture originally found here

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