
Sh'ma. Jonathan Settel


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Title image: green tree leaves for the song Chai Ha Shem

Chai Hashem

This is a beautiful song by Steven McConnell. 
Chai Hashem

1 John 4:8

Watch a peaceful movie as you think about God's love for you.
1 John 4:8


Listen to this beautiful song about to Abraham and his descendants.

"OK" Official Music Video

This world is not OK. We are in need of the divine Savior. The lyrics and images in this…
"OK" Official Music Video
The Neighborhood Bully

The Neighborhood Bully

Bob Dylan wrote the song “Neighborhood Bully” as a satire about Israel back in 1983. Over 40…
The Neighborhood Bully

Shir Moshe

Song of Moses (The Lord is my strength and my song)English-Hebrew Song, Hebrew-English…
Shir Moshe
Elohim Natan Lecha Bematana

Elohim Natan Lecha Bematana

Elohim natan lecha bematana A beautiful Israeli song with English translation.
Elohim Natan Lecha Bematana
Koolulam - One Day

Koolulam - One Day

Israeli Jews sing and pray for "one day" when all people will say that they don't want to fight…
Koolulam - One Day
You're so Vain - A Modern Parody

You're So Vain - A Modern Parody

Carly Simon’s song You’re so Vain could be about almost anyone. However, this parody might be…
You're So Vain - A Modern Parody

Ezekiel 34:16

God's promises are true & faithful.
Ezekiel 34:16

Deuteronomy 31:6

When you are feeling weak this Bible promise is for you.
Deuteronomy 31:6

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