

One of the most fascinating ways to study the character of God is to study His creation. From galaxies to molecules, "God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made" Romans 1:20 (NIV). The camel is a sure crowd-pleaser at the zoo, with its loping gait and comical expressions, but a closer look at this unique animal reveals a surprising design that points directly to an omniscient Creator.

Camels belong to the family Camelidae, along with their new-world relatives llamas and alpacas, and they are divided into two species: Camelus bactrianus, or Bactrian camel, and Camelus dromedarius, or Dromedary camel. The Dromedary, also called the Arabian camel,1 has long been referred to by Bedouins as "God's gift."2

From their nose to their feet, camels are perfectly suited to their desert environments: the harsh, hot winds and sand of the deserts of Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.

To protect them from sandstorms, camels were given nostrils that they can open and close; they also have bushy eyebrows, fur-lined ears, and double rows of curly eyelashes for the same protective purpose. The tough, leathery skin on their knees pads the joints as they kneel, and their special foot pads spread as they walk, to keep them from sinking into the sand.

 Read full story here

Posted on Shalom Adventure by:  Verna-Lee Small

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