Articles Two Birds and Blood Aug 08, 2020 Lee Bigg The Torah tells us about a very interesting ceremony that includes dipping a…
Kids Parasha Kids Parasha Reeh Aug 01, 2013 Shalom Adventure Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17 11:29-11:3229 And when the Lord your God brings you…
Israel Now Israeli Farmers Using Drones, not Dogs, to… May 29, 2021 S.A. TV Drones are being used in Israeli agriculture for several purposes, this time…
Israel Now The Israeli Who Saved a Life in Mecca Jan 28, 2019 S.A. TV Refai Amer, a Muslim volunteer from Kfar Qassim, brought along his medkit from…
Drasha The Ram, the Goat, and the Little Horn Jun 09, 2020 Shalom Adventure The Ram, the Goat, and the Little Horn. Daniel 8. Sermon by Messianic Rabbi…
Holy Days Videos The Maccabeats -Mah Nishtanah Apr 08, 2022 S.A. TV Mah nishtana are the first two words in a phrase meaning, "why is tonight…
Matzo Brei Matzo BreiServes 4 to 6I decided to veganize my mom's old-fashioned Jewish Matzo Brei recipe… Matzo Brei
Passover The Passover is a very important Holy Day in Jewish history. The Passover begins the day before… Passover
The Fourth Plague: Swarms of Flies Ex 8:20 And the LORD said unto Moses: 'Rise up early in the morning, and stand before Pharaoh;… The Fourth Plague: Swarms of Flies
Sounding the Shofar For those of you who have attended, a Rosh HaShanah service (or watched one here on the Shalom… Sounding the Shofar
New Year of the Trees Happy Tu BeShvat, the Jewish New Year of the Trees. Tu BeShevat 2021 begins in the evening of… New Year of the Trees
Purim Grogger This is one of our green crafts that reuse household objects and turn them into symbolic or… Purim Grogger
Passover Baklava Cake This rich, nutty confection is soaked in a honey-citrus syrup, giving it a flavor much like… Passover Baklava Cake
Yom Kippur Yom Kippur, the Day of atonement, is the most sacred of the Jewish holidays. It is regarded as… Yom Kippur
Letters to God As the High Holy Days approached, Danny Goldstein, the Post Director in Israel, met with Rabbi… Letters to God
L'Shana Tova Tikatavu May you be inscribed (in the Book of Life) for a good year. Those words are the translation of… L'Shana Tova Tikatavu
The Ninth Plague: Darkness Exo 10:21 And the LORD said unto Moses, Stretch out thine hand toward heaven, that there may be… The Ninth Plague: Darkness
Lime-in-the-Coconut Macaroons Lime zest is a fresh addition to macaroons, and a Microplane is our zesting tool of choice. If… Lime-in-the-Coconut Macaroons
The Seventh Plague: Very Grevious Hail Exo 9:17 As yet exaltest thou thyself against my people, that thou wilt not let them go?Exo… The Seventh Plague: Very Grevious Hail
Why White on Yom Kippur People like to wear things that to show how special holidays are to them. The same is true… Why White on Yom Kippur
The second plague: Frogs from the river Exo 8:1 And the LORD spake unto Moses, Go unto Pharaoh, and say unto him, Thus saith the LORD,… The second plague: Frogs from the river