Holy Days Videos

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Pessach Medley with Micha Gamerman

With the fast approaching holiday of Pessach stating next week, Micha Gamerman released his new…
Pessach Medley with Micha Gamerman

Adam Sandler Chanukah Song

“Put on your yarmulkes, here comes Chanukah. So much fun to celebrate Chanukah,” sings Adam…
Adam Sandler Chanukah Song

Uncle Jay Explains Passover

Jay Gilbert, of Uncle Jay Explains the News, humorously yet informatively describes the concept…
Uncle Jay Explains Passover

Kippalive - Al HaNisim

The Israeli a capella musical group Kipplative created this music video to commemerate the…
Kippalive - Al HaNisim

Thanksgivukkah Pie

"Thanksgivukkah Pie", Holiday Tribute by Benji Lovitt
Thanksgivukkah Pie


Fasting.A brief explanation of Yom Kippur fasting by Jeff Zaremsky.
Ben Shapiro Explains Hanukkah

Ben Shapiro Explains Hanukkah

Hanukkah is a special time of year known for lighting candles on a beautiful Hanukkah menorah…
Ben Shapiro Explains Hanukkah
Sophie, Hans & Christoph

Sophie Scholl

Two Lutheran German siblings, Sophie and Hans Scholl, grew up with the typically expected…
Sophie Scholl
Destruction of the 2nd Temple

Crash Course on Tisha B'Av

Tisha B’Av may not be as well known as say the Passover or High Holy Days. So what exactly is…
Crash Course on Tisha B'Av
Teshuva Tefila

Teshuva Tefila

Teshuvah, tefillah, and tzedakah -- translated respectively as repentance, prayer and charity…
Teshuva Tefila

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