Holy Days Videos

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Kol Nidre

Kol Nidre by Keren Tarr.Kol Nidre is a prayer recited in synagogues before the beginning of the…
Kol Nidre

What Rosh Hashanah Means

What Rosh Hashanah Means: Israelis in Jerusalem explain the Jewish New Year Holiday
What Rosh Hashanah Means

Kol Nidre

Kol Nidre by Keren Tarr
Kol Nidre

On Yom Kippur it is Inscribed

The cantor and incredible choir of the Israeli Defense Forces sing U’netaneh Tokef, the…
On Yom Kippur it is Inscribed
Kol Nidre

Kol Nidre

The Kol Nodre (“all vows”) refers to a series of Aramaic prayers that the Jewish people sing to…
Kol Nidre

613 Commandments

Shavuot is a spring holiday celebrates the revelation of the Torah to Moses at Mount Sinai, the…
613 Commandments

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