

The Facts

The human body must have oxygen; each of its 100 trillion cells must receive steady, fresh supplies to survive. Every day, you take more than 17,000 breaths to keep your body fueled. The heart sends blood to the lungs where it drops off carbon dioxide for elimination and picks up fresh oxygen for delivery to every cell in the body.

Fresh air has many health benefits. It improves the brain's ability to function, gives clarity to the mind, improves concentration, and boosts learning abilities. It gives a sense of happiness and well-being by altering brain levels of serotonin. It promotes quality sleep, and kills bacteria and viruses in the air. Pollution causes air to lose these capabilities.

Environmental impurities affect people in a number of ways. Symptoms include sore throats, burning eyes, coughing, sluggishness, nausea, headaches, dizziness, exhaustion, and depression. Pollution is also associated with increased asthma and other respiratory problems, and many of pollution's contaminants have been linked to increased rates of cancer and other illnesses....

Natural Healing

Supplying the body with pure air is important enough to determine the difference between health and sickness—between life and death. It is amazing how much misunderstanding there exists even today about fresh air and the role it plays in the health of the body. It's almost unbelievable how many homes are poorly ventilated, stuffy, and ill smelling. Even offices and hospital wards lack fresh air, mainly because of the controlled air systems, and the windows that are structured to remain closed permanently. Oxygen makes all processes of life possible.

One of the functions of air in the body is the burning up of waste products that are constantly forming in the body cells. When the supply of air is sufficient, waste matter is disposed of efficiently. Air is a colorless, sluggish gas. Ninety people out of 100 are under the impression that all that is necessary for proper ventilation is to have a window in a room open. This is a mistake, for air is a very sluggish substance. If the wind happens to be blowing from any other direction but that in which the window is facing, the air in the room will be stagnant, and the constant exhalations of the occupants will make the air poisonous in a few hours. There must be circulation.

The continual supply of fresh air is so important that our breathing process goes on at all times without any attention on our part. Air starvation is much more deadly than food starvation.

While fresh air is of utmost importance to all, it is especially important to the sick person confined to bed. Under these circumstances, the body is releasing great quantities of poisons into the atmosphere. If the proper provision for carrying off this foul air is not made, the patient will take longer to recover. We can see how few realize this by the fact that most of the sick rooms have an offensive and stuffy odor.
Remember, fresh, pure air is the most vital requirement for those who are sick, as well as those who are well. Air is an indispensable healing agent. No wound will heal without air. You can prove this by applying plaster to a cut. As long as the plaster excludes the air from the wound, it will not heal. The same rule applies to internal wounds. Unless the blood is charged with a sufficient amount of oxygen from the air, it will not accomplish its purpose. Not only that, if this blood is charged with impure air, it will hinder the recovery.


Written by: Kary Chamberlin

Originally from here 

Posted on by: Brenda Miller

Picture by: Yakov Chernin



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