All is Empty

All is Empty

King Solomon was wealthy. Talk about wealth - King Solomon was the richest king in the history of Israel and the richest king during his life time in the world (1 Kings 3:12-13). The Queen of Sheba and many others visited Solomon because of his wisdom and wealth. He had everything he wanted . . . (Eccl. 2:10)

He pursued knowledge to find happiness.
He enjoyed all the wine he wanted.
He planted many vineyards.
He made gardens, parks and orchards.
He created water ponds and herds. He acquired silver, gold and treasure.
He expanded his kingdom greatly.
He built the wealthiest kingdom of his time.
He enjoyed 700 wives and 300 concubines.
He was honored and praised by nations.

Yet, he was miserable because he discovered:

Life is nothing more than endless repetition.
There is no end to work.
There is no end to strife and oppression.
There is no end to greed.
Fools and wise man will both die alike.
There is no lasting remembrance of the fool or the wise man.
All your work may be for nothing - squandered by the next man.
You are always tired because you work so hard.
There is no lasting joy . . . because . . . .
Life is empty and meaningless . . . .

So, he concluded . . .

There is nothing better for a man than to eat and drink and tell himself that his labor is good. This also I have seen that it is from the hand of God. (NASB) Eccl. 2:24


Originally from here

Posted on Shalom Adenture by: Brenda Miller

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